- Texas, USA -
On the evening of Saturday, July 17, the Caddo Mills Police Department arrested 51-year-old RITO RAMIREZ VASQUEZ (pictured below), on one count each of cruelty to livestock animals-physical abuse and driving while license invalid with previous conviction.
According to a news release by the Department, officers seized and took custody of four live sheep during a traffic stop on FM 36.
Sadly, there was also one deceased sheep.
The SPCA of Texas and the Hunt County Sheriff’s Department Animal Cruelty Investigators assisted with the operation.
Police said VASQUEZ was transporting the poor creatures while they were “hog-tied and confined in the trunk of a Honda Civic at temperatures exceeding 100 degrees.”
The live sheep will remain in the care of the SPCA of Texas until a hearing takes place to determine their disposition.
VASQUEZ was booked into the Hunt County Detention Center.
Online records show he was released on Monday, July 19, after posting a $6,500 bond.
Herald Banner report that the cruelty to livestock animals-physical abuse charge is a state jail felony, punishable upon conviction by a maximum sentence of up to two years in a state jail.
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