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SEAN ROBERT ROBINSON facing aggravated animal cruelty charges

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

Updated: Jun 5, 2021

- Montana, USA -

UPDATE: June 4, 2021

35-year-old SEAN ROBERT ROBINSON (pictured below), was arraigned in Yellowstone County District Court via video on Friday, June 4.

During arraignment proceedings, Senior Deputy County Attorney Ingrid Rosenquist said that additional charges are pending against ROBINSON.

KULR8 reports that Attorney Rosenquist “informed Judge Ashley Harada that a search warrant of Robinson's vehicle resulted in police recovering the bodies of one or two cats and the body parts of others.”

Attorney Rosenquist stated that ROBINSON would strangle and at times decapitate cats.

Court documents state ROBINSON admitted he “has a thing for killing cats.”

According to court documents, published by KULR8, around April 2021, Yellowstone County Sheriff’s Office animal control officer Bailey Smith, was made aware of cats disappearing either after being given to ROBINSON or from the neighborhood surrounding his residence on the 1700 block of Duval Drive in Laurel.

Officer Smith launched an investigation and conducted interviews, gathered names and learned alarming facts.

People who knew ROBINSON, gave several instances where they were aware of him beating and/or killing cats and dogs.

On May 18, Officer Smith spoke to a resident who lives with his wife on Duval Drive.

This resident told the officer that two days earlier, while he was working in his garage, ROBINSON walked in, he introduced himself, told him he lived up the road, and then said his wife’s cat had gotten out and thought he/she had gotten into the man’s garage.

ROBINSON was given permission to look for the cat in the garage.

A few minutes later, the resident’s wife went into the garage and told her husband that ROBINSON was acting scary and strange behind their home.

The resident then told Officer Smith that two neighbors had gone to his house looking for their cats who were missing from their yards.

At that point Officer Smith spoke to neighbors and one of them said that on May 16, he and his family were playing volleyball in the front yard and their cat, a gray, brown, and white tabby named Hobo, was with them.

The family then went inside to have dinner and when they went back outside, Hobo was gone.

Hobo’s dad told Officer Smith that the earlier that day, he saw ROBINSON driving around in circles around the neighborhood and rustling around under the porch of a house at the corner of Gold Course Road and Payne’s Place.

During one of the interviews conducted by Officer Smith, a woman told the officer that on May 16, a man who said his name was Sean, went to her husband and told him he was looking for his cat.

The woman did not think much of it and went back inside the home.

A few hours later, she heard her dogs barking in the yard and as she went outside to let them in, she saw ROBINSON walking between her fence and a neighbor’s yard toward an irrigation ditch.

ROBINSON then quickly walked to a spot along the easement of the irrigation ditch, stood there for a few seconds, and then fell to his knees with his hands appearing to have been holding something in front of his chest while moving his arms around.

The woman took Officer Smith to the spot who then took pictures.

Court documents further state that on May 31, Laurel Police Officer Booth responded to the 1000 block of the 9th Avenue in Laurel on a report about a man stealing a cat.

The officer spoke with a couple who said they had not seen their cat in a couple of days and after reviewing security camera footage, they saw a man taking their furbaby on the evening of May 30.

Officer Booth reviewed the surveillance footage and observed a small dark color older styled two door pickup pull up two houses down, and a male in a red shirt exit the car.

The male approached the house, coaxed the cat over to him, petted the cat, and then grabbed the furbaby who squealed out in pain.

Footage also showed the man carrying the cat to his vehicle before driving off.

On Tuesday, June 1, the Eastern Montana High Intensity Drug Trafficking (EMHIDTA) task force executed a “no knock” search warrant on ROBINSON’s house in relation to an unrelated investigation.

As the task force were preparing to execute the warrant, ROBINSON was seen driving away from his house in a truck that matched the description of the one seen in the footage regarding the stolen cat.

Reportedly, ROBINSON was wearing clothes that matched the ones also seen in the surveillance video.

ROBINSON was put under arrest.

According to court documents, ROBINSON stated that the first time he had ever killed a cat was approximately in 2007 when he was around the age of 21.

ROBINSON stated that he typically strangles the cats to death with his bare hands and

then sometimes decapitates them with tree loppers. Once the cats are dead, he would dispose of their bodies in random garbage cans scattered throughout Laurel and Billings.

As reported by KULR8, at the arraignment hearing Judge Harada ordered ROBINSON be monitored using a GPS ankle bracelet.

Judge Harada further ordered the filthy murderer to have no contact with any animal, including his own dog.

Bond was set at $100,000.

If convicted, the filthy murderer would serve a maximum of only 2 years in jail and a fine not to exceeded $2,500. A joke!

SEAN ROBERT ROBINSON is a filthy murderer, he is insane and extremely dangerous.

Only a judge as insane as him will allow him to be back among us!

I urge you to put pressure on the Yellowstone County District Attorney’s Office to make sure that this human feces suffers the same way those innocent cats did.

~ Original story:

Yellowstone County Deputy Sheriff Kent O'Donnell told KULR8 that the sheriff’s office together with the Laurel Police Department are investigating 35-year-old SEAN ROBERT ROBINSON (pictured below), in regard to stolen or missing cats.

The sheriff’s office obtained a drug search warrant which was served on ROBINSON’s home in Laurel, on the early morning of Tuesday, June 1.

Deputy O’Donnell interviewed ROBINSON about the missing cats during the search, and ROBINSON said he did not have any cats.

Although animal control did not find any cats in the property, they found cat fur, evidence cats have been at his home, officers said.

ROBINSON was booked on felony aggravated animal cruelty charges and is being held at Yellowstone County Detention Center with bond set at $1,500.

Authorities say the investigation is ongoing.

If you have information about this case, please call the Laurel Police Department at (406) - 628 - 8737 to submit your tips. Thank you!

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Link included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.


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