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Sergeant MARTIN DUNN, Greater Manchester Police firearms officer, sentenced for animal cruelty

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

- Manchester, United Kingdom -

There must NOT be special treatment handling animal cruelty cases where the abuser is a person of the law. The sentence should be as strong as that given to any other criminal !!!

However, that is NOT what is happening to a coward police officer in Manchester!

Greater Manchester Police firearms officer, 48-year-old Sergeant MARTIN DUNN (pictured below), was caught on video punching several times a 5-month-old puppy in his backyard after the furbaby went potty inside the home.

The incident happened on the evening of March 14, 2021.

The heart-wrenching video shows the victim, a Springer Spaniel named Frank, sitting in the backyard and DUNN walking toward him.

DUNN can be seen repeatedly punching Frank and yelling “You b_ _ _ _ _ d” while Frank HELPLESSLY and DEFENSELESSLY yelps in pain.

The voiceless victim could not dial for help!

Prosecutor Charles MacRae said DUNN had been drinking when the offence took place.

The Mirror reports that MacRae said the furbaby was examined initially by Dr. Sean Taylor, and later by David Ryan who is a specialist the field of canine behavior.

Mr. Ryan reported that while conducting the evaluation, “When I shouted at Frank he reacted with extreme fear” indicating that he had learned to fear such behavior.

Mr. Ryan rightfully and intelligently added that “Punching a dog repeatedly is not appropriate training.”

DUNN was sentenced on Friday, April 23, at Leeds Magistrates' Court.

He had pleaded guilty to one count of animal cruelty at an earlier hearing.

A probation officer told the court DUNN had been involved in the events at Manchester Arena in 2017, and has been suffering from PTSD “but without realizing it.”

District Judge SUE BOUCH sentenced DUNN to a 12 months’ community order with 120 hours of unpaid work reduced from 180 because of his guilty plea.

DUNN received a five-year ban from keeping any animals apart from a lizard-type, Leopard Gheko.

DUNN was additionally ordered to pay court costs of £85 ($117) and a surcharge of £95 ($131) within 28 days.

Manchester Evening News reports that DUNN has not been suspended from duty but will face an internal investigation.

As for Frank, his “ownership” is being disputed.

Prosecutor MacRae called for the furbaby be re-homed by the RSPCA and said that “any contact between Dunn and Frank would be detrimental. He took it upon himself to chastise it”.

McRae also added that there was “a clear loss of control and excessive use of force even if he did not intend to chastise the dog.”

UK Animal Cruelty Files (UKACF) started a petition addressed to Acting Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police Ian Pilling (Greater Manchester Police) asking for DUNN to be fired.

When I signed, more than 11,600 signatures had already been collected.

Let’s make it happen!

Voice For Us note: I do not understand why DUNN has not been suspended.

What is there to investigate?

The video speaks volumes and claiming that there will be an internal investigation is a poor attempt to pretend that Greater Manchester Police follow protocol.

The appalling reality is clear to anyone.

Greater Manchester Police, are you sending a message that animal cruelty is tolerated?

It's not just the U.K. that watched the barbaric behavior of your officer toward a voiceless victim who could not dial for help!!!

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.


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