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SHELLEY NICOLE VAUGHN killed her boyfriend’s dog by throwing him off a seventh-floor Condo balcony

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

- Florida, USA -

Clearwater Police said in a news release that during a domestic dispute, 46-years-old SHELLEY NICOLE VAUGHN (pictured below) threw off a condominium balcony her boyfriend’s dog who died as a result.

On Sunday, February 27, shortly before noon, VAUGHN’s now ex-boyfriend, 56-years-old Eric Adeson, called police and officers were dispatched to Clearwater Beach Apartments in the 880 block of Mandalay Avenue.

Officers found lying on the sidewalk a lifeless 3-year-old Pug, named Bucky.

Bucky had been thrown off a seventh-floor balcony.

VAUGHN also tossed Mr. Adeson’s cell phone and keys and then struck the man.

Mr. Adeson told police he had been dating VAUGHN for several months and that she lives in the same condominium complex, two floors down.

An extremely emotional Mr. Adeson told reporter Catherine Hawley with FOX 13 that he had gotten Bucky as a puppy in 2019, to be a companion for his Puggle Sandy who was going through cancer treatments.

Never thinking in a million-years that Sandy would survive the cancer and still be alive at 13 and actually outlive Bucky. That’s the tragedy of it”, said Mr. Adeson.

He described Bucky as being “playful and sweet.”

Mr. Adeson also said: “I never thought anybody could do that. I never thought anybody would have that in them.”

I went downstairs and I hugged him, but I mean, it was seven floors, so. I kept thinking maybe he’d get up”, added Mr. Adeson.

According to Mr. Adeson, VAUGHN had been drinking and using drugs mid-morning Sunday before the incident.

Officers were unable to locate VAUGHN on Sunday. She was tracked down and taken into custody on the afternoon of Monday, February 28.

She was booked into the Pinellas County Jail on aggravated animal cruelty, criminal mischief, and domestic battery.

Mr. Adeson’s lawyer, Katherine Neal, filed a civil complaint against VAUGHN seeking $30,000 in damages.

Online records show VAUGHN is being held at the Pinellas County Jail.

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

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Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon
Mar 03, 2022

The level of violence that humans exhibit never ceases to disgust me. This vile human POS, allegedly drunk & on drugs, must be held responsible. The drunk & drugged excuse must not fly here! Nor diminished mental capacity! This was revenge. She knew exactly what she was doing. I’m so glad this waste of oxygen is still in jail. I pray she serves time in prison. RIP BUCKY!


Frank Verdeaux
Frank Verdeaux
Mar 03, 2022

So sad. This OBVIOUSLY ALCOHOLIC AND PSYCHO excuse for a woman needs to die. Bless you, Bucky, and Rest In Peace. I'm so sorry for you and all animals having to suffer at the hands of ugly humans.

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