- Florida, USA -
Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey said that on July 3, 2022, a concerned citizen called the sheriff’s office to report a woman who was not properly taking care of her animals on her farm.
In a video posted on Facebook Sheriff Ivey mentioned all the agencies that responded to the suspected property and “when we got there, what we found was disgusting”, he said.
In an overcrowded area a total of forty-five (45) animals were found and then removed as a result of being malnourished, abused, mistreated, and neglected. Some of them had parasites.
Officials removed:
23 cows
19 goats
2 sheep
1 donkey
Multiple pigs
Multiple chickens
Authorities did not discover any animals on a pasture near the home, where there was access to grassy areas for grazing.
Sheriff Ivey said that veterinarians are nursing the animals back to health.
Deputies arrested the owner of the farm, 42-years-old SHERINE ANN MARIE WRIGHT and the caretaker 73-years-old ODDLETON ALEXANDER GITTENS (both pictured).
Sheriff Ivey said WRIGHT had zero remorse, was uncooperative, yelled at officials present on the farm and even tried to intimidate one of the people who rightfully and thankfully reported her.
WRIGHT has been charged with ninety-one counts of animal cruelty and one count of witness tampering. GITTENS has been charged with twelve Felony counts of animal cruelty.
They both were arrested on August 3, 2022, and released the following day.
Sheriff Ivey said: “I wish I could do to them what they did to these poor animals. I can’t because I am more professional than that and I have compassion in my heart.”
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
#animalcruelty #animalabuse #neglectedanimals #malnourishedanimals #farm #brevardcounty #florida #animalslivesmatter
Additional Source:
Sheriff Ivey, you represent compassion, it is greatly appreciated & admired. These two degenerates deserve jail time. Maybe then, SHERINE WRIGHT & ‘caretaker‘ (absolutely not a caretaker) 73-years-old ODDLETON GITTENS will learn a powerful lesson…abuse & neglect any animal & your arse will be jailed!