- Ohio, USA -
So many people have been waiting for this….
On March 13, 2025, in Union County Common Pleas Court, Franklin County Judge Daniel Hogan sentenced 44-year-old STEFFEN EVAN BALDWIN (pictured) for animal cruelty, bribery, and other charges.
BALDWIN, alias STEFFEN FINKELSTEIN, is co-founder of the Underdog Alliance in California, former chief humane agent for the Union County Humane Society in Ohio, and former executive director of Top of Ohio Pet Shelter in Logan County also in Ohio.
Union County Court of Common Pleas records show that BALDWIN was facing fifty-three counts in total, several relating to animal abuse.
According to prosecutors, BALDWIN, who once presented himself as an animal rights activist, misled supporters into believing he was rescuing and rehabilitating dogs, instead, he needlessly euthanized innocent dogs and kept raising money for the Voiceless Victims he had already put down.
During the trial, prosecutors argued that BALDWIN used his position to deceive donors and described him as a manipulative figure. Prosecutors also said that BALDWIN euthanized at least eight dogs to make space for others he was paid to train.
Judge Hogan sentenced BALDWIN to fifteen and a half years in prison, with twenty-three days of jail credit. BALDWIN will not be eligible for release before serving at least seven years and nine months. After serving prison time, BALDWIN will be placed on a five-year probation during which time he is to be subject to random drug screening, to be ineligible to leave Ohio, and to be ineligible to own a firearm.
Additionally, the judge imposed an indefinite ban on BALDWIN “owning” companion animals in the state of Ohio.
Investigators say BALDWIN’s crimes date back years, but the case would never have come together without the help of Angelo and Litsa Kargakos, furparents of Remington, known as Remi.
Back in 2020, 10TV interviewed Litsa and Angelo. The couple said that in 2016, they reached out to BALDWIN and he was prepared to work with Remi. Litsa and Angelo gave BALDWIN $1,000 and placed their baby Remi in his care.
10TV reports that within months, Litsa “saw red flags” and asked BALDWIN to see Remi “to check on his progress but was always denied.”
The situation got to the point where Litsa threatened to go to the county commissioners if she didn’t hear from BALDWIN and she and Angelo put up posters offering a reward for more information about Remi’s whereabouts.
Only at that point BALDWIN contacted Litsa and Angelo and asked them for a mediation session with an attorney to explain what happened.
Litsa recounted the devastating facts and told 10TV: “He fabricated a story and stated that Remi broke out of his kennel and that he attacked and killed another dog, and then he had to euthanize Remi due to the wounds. I didn’t believe any aspect of the story at that point, and he said that he had to euthanize Remi due to the horrific wounds that he had, and we came to find out that Remi didn’t have one mark on him when he was euthanized.”
Litsa and Angelo created a Facebook Group in honor of their baby Remi, Justice 4 Remi. Part of a post published after BALDWIN’s sentence read: “We can finally close this chapter of our lives and begin to heal from the loss of Remi. I know that Remi did not die in vain. I know that Remi’s death triggered the investigation that helped 18 total dogs get justice against the monster who stole their lives. I know that because of Remi Steffen Baldwin will be serving a substantial prison sentence. I know because of Remi no more animals will be hurt under Steffens care.”
Just like Litsa, I too wish BALDWIN would have gotten life in prison!
Voice For Us Disclaimer: Please note that details may be removed or new information added should updates become available.
BALDWIN’s mugshot shared from the Tri-County Regional Jail
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Bless Remi, damn baldwin straight to HELL!