- California, USA -
The Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office announced in a news release that on Thursday, April 1, STEPHANIE D. FRENTZ (pictured below), was sentenced to 180 days in jail.
FRENTZ was further sentenced to 2 years probation, and ordered not to groom animals for 10 years.
On February 11, FRENTZ pled to felony animal cruelty.
Deputy District Attorney Monica Robinson of the Animal Cruelty Unit prosecuted the case.
According to the news release, FRENTZ owned and operated the dog grooming business Soapy Paws based out of Elk Grove.
As stated in the release, on May 29, 2020, FRENTZ “was grooming a Miniature Schnauzer named Rosco when she acted in a negligent manner.”
FRENTZ, “allowed Rosco to fall off the grooming table and did not come to his aid for several minutes. Rosco subsequently died of strangulation”, states the release.
The District Attorney’s Office said FRENTZ “was not forthcoming with the cause of Rosco’s death.”
Through the efforts of Elk Grove Animal Control and the District Attorney‘s Office, it was determined that FRENTZ’s negligence while grooming Rosco caused his death.
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STEPHANIE D. FRENTZ’s picture published by ETHANB822.com
