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TYLER AUSTIN JERDO arrested after he screwed a defenseless puppy to a door frame

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

Updated: Mar 5, 2022

- South Carolina, USA -

Union County Sheriff’s Deputies have arrested 22-years-old TYLER AUSTIN JERDO (pictured below) after he screwed a puppy’s paws to a bathroom door frame.

The sheriff’s office said that on Friday, February 25, a citizen flagged down a deputy and informed them of the situation at the home on Whitmire Highway.

The deputy then called for backup and animal control who entered the property.

According to Law & Crime, the puppy could be seen with one of his paws screwed to the frame of a bathroom door behind a pile of items.

In a video interview with WSPA, Union County Sheriff Jeff Bailey said: “He was still alive, but he was weak, wasn’t sure how long he’d been there”. He further explained that access to the puppy was blocked by “Bar bells, the attic steps were pulled down, a bird bath, several things was blocking the actual bathroom door.”

Law & Crime reports that deputies moved the items and were able to remove one screw from the poor pup’s paw however the bathroom door would not open.

They went outside the property and climbed through the bathroom window and that is when they realized that the furbaby had his other paw screwed to the frame.

According to Law & Crime, “the second screw could not be removed from the paw, however, because it was too deep and the head of the screw couldn’t be accessed, so the dog’s paw was pulled through the screw.”

The VOICELESS VICTIM is recovering at the Union County Animal Shelter, where staff members have named him Asher.

Holly Wise director of the Union County Animal Shelter, posted on her Facebook account pictures of Asher and said that she named the furbaby Liam because it means “Strong-willed warrior.”

Law & Crime reports that while officials were on the scene, a truck driven by JERDO pulled into the driveway and as he exited the vehicle, deputies told him he was under arrest.

JERDO became argumentative, a scuffle occurred with multiple members of law enforcement, during which JERDO was tased twice. He was then handcuffed and placed inside a deputy’s vehicle.

At that point deputies went back inside the house to collect additional evidence and they heard a scream from outside.

JERDO had escaped from the vehicle and was trying to flee the scene and some deputies were able to hold him back. At this point JERDO head-butted a deputy in their forehead before he was finally subdued.

JERDO is currently being detained in the Union County Detention Center without bond.

JERDO stands accused of one count each of ill treatment of animals (torture), resisting arrest, escape, and possession of methamphetamine with intent to distribute.

Some of the pictures were shared from Holly Wise’s Facebook account.

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

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Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon
Mar 04, 2022

I cannot fathom…I just cannot. Does this meth-head deserve a second chance, because I sincerely doubt this is his first offense! Who wakes up & decides to screw a pup’s paws to the floor, then barricades the defenseless soul so that he cannot be easily rescued? The meth excuse is flimsy at best. This pervert must be locked away, a year for each screw, then a year for every day it takes Liam to recover, physically as well as mentally. Monsters like this should never ever be allowed to be around animals for the remainder of his sick twisted life. Bless the person who flagged down the authorities! Please get better Liam!

Frank Verdeaux
Frank Verdeaux
Mar 05, 2022
Replying to

Yes, just unreal. I can barely take these stories anymore. It's got me so depressed and sick to my stomach. I wish I was dead when I see this kind of cruelty in our world.

I thought I'd read in the news article< a few days ago, that the puppy's name is Asher. I apologize for getting the name wrong.


Frank Verdeaux
Frank Verdeaux
Mar 04, 2022

Change his name to......TYLER AUSTIN WEIRDO.


Frank Verdeaux
Frank Verdeaux
Mar 04, 2022

I saw this in the news a few days ago. Made me sick. LOCK HIM UP AND GET HIM IN REHAB. HOPEFULLY HE SUFFERS REAL BAD WITHDRAWALS AND DETOX IN PRISON. LOOKS LIKE A WHACKED OUT ABRAHAM LINCOLN BEARD WEARING PSYCHO WHO NEEDS HELP BADLY. I DON'T KNOW IF THERE'S REDEMPTION FOR HIM IF IT WAS THE FREAKING METH F-ING HIS MIND UP. I hope he's banned for life from having animals. I pray for Asher to make a miracle recovery and be able to have a loving home and regain trust in human beings. Poor, sweet baby. Such a heart-wrenching, horrible, undeserving thing to happen to you.

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