- Nevada, USA -
UPDATE on 22-year-old ESMERALDA MARTINEZ and 21-year-old BLANCA PEREZ (both pictured below).
On Wednesday, December 16, District Judge Jacqueline Bluth (pictured below), sentenced these two evil females to serve up to 18 MONTHS of PROBATION!
If their probation is successfully completed, they will be convicted on a misdemeanor of cruelty to animals instead of a felony.
These two killers are also required to perform 200 hours of community service.
Judge Bluth said they must also stay out of trouble for at least six months, stay away from animals and take a six-month course on animal cruelty as part of the agreement.
On Friday, June 19, 2020, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) responded to an apartment on the 4300 block of Terrace Hills Road, near Lindell and Flamingo roads, after neighbors reported a foul smell coming from it.
Neighbors told police that they had not seen the two tenants in two to three weeks, had stopped hearing their dogs bark, and had begun noticing a “foul smell” coming from the apartment.
Officers were let into the apartment by a property manager.
In the master bedroom, police discovered two large locked kennels with towels draped over them, and inside there were two dead 8-month-old Pittbull-type dogs.
The cages were filled with feces and urine.
The following day, the two tenants, identified as 22-year-old ESMERALDA MARTINEZ and 21-year-old BLANCA PEREZ returned to the apartment.
Police questioned the two females about their dogs named Ace and Athena.
Reportedly, MARTINEZ said that she and PEREZ drove to Florida to see her sister on June 1, and that a family friend was supposed to take care of the dogs in their absence.
Later, MARTINEZ “admitted she never made arrangements for anyone to care for Ace and Athena.”
MARTINEZ told police that Ace and Athena had “ruined things in their apartment before”, that’s why they left them locked up.
She also said she left the dogs with large bowls of water and food, as well as a “pee pad.”
The bowls were empty!!!
At the time, Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that an officer wrote in the report: “Starvation and dehydration causes tormenting weakness, agonizing muscle spasms, the ultimate cannibalism as the body devours itself to stay alive. The pain Ace and Athena experienced is tremendous, often times greater than inflicted violence, because their suffering was so prolonged.”
On August 19, 2020, these heartless, soulless, and worthless beings pleaded guilty to two felony counts each of willfully or maliciously killing an animal.
They subsequently served 30 days at the Clark County Detention Center as part of the plea agreement.
Back in July, Stacia Newman (pictured below) of Nevada Political Action for Animals told 8NewsNow: “There were so many choices and they deliberately denied these dogs any help. This is one that should actually have the maximum penalty.”
Newman said the maximum sentence is four years in prison.
I am extremely furious with judge BLUTH and these killers’ attorney, CARL ARNOLD (pictured below).
CARL ARNOLD had the nerve to compare the death of two innocent dogs to a “youthful error.”
Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that on Wednesday, CARL ARNOLD said his clients were very remorseful over what happened to their pets.
He said: “It was more of a negligent, you know, youthful error as opposed to something that was, you know, really intentional.”
While judge BLUTH had the audacity to say: “This type of treatment towards animals — real animal cruelty — cannot and will not be tolerated.”
Well judge BLUTH, seems to me that you have tolerated it very well!!
Two innocent dogs have been left to die and those who had the power to defend them, give them justice, and speak for them did not do it and failed them!!!
Shameful sentence for a civil nation!