- Gloucestershire, England -
On Tuesday, June 1, at Cheltenham Magistrates' Court, 40-year-old PAUL FOWLER (pictured below), after previously pleading guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal, received a lifetime ban from keeping animals.
Gazette reports that on September 15, 2020, a witness saw FOWLER beating his dog, an English Bull Terrier, and alerted the authorities.
Police responded to the Matson area and seized the furbaby under the Animal Welfare Act.
UK Animal Cruelty Files identifies the dog as Jawzie.
A veterinarian examined the dog and discovered that she had other injuries thought to be caused by abuse.
Gazette further reports that a police spokesperson said: “There was lots of social media attention about the incident, so much so that a woman contacted us as she had seen Fowler beating his dog months earlier in Kings Walk. In total we had six witnesses to Fowler's actions and we hope that this conviction shows how we will not tolerate animal abuse here in Gloucestershire.”
In addition to the ban, FOWLER received a two-month sentence that was suspended for twelve months and has conditions with which he must now comply.
Three months after the incident, at Christmas, the furbaby moved into her new furever home.
FOWLER, why don’t you fight someone your own size? Someone who CAN fight back?
No, wait, that would make you a man and clearly you are a filthy COWARD!
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