- New York, USA -
A Manhattan Supreme Court judge made a mockery out of the death of an innocent dog and the savage attack on another.
On Friday, March 5, 36-year-old VINCENT TANG (pictured below), appeared in court remotely where he avoided up to two years in prison, courtesy of a despicable, insulting, and inhumane ruling!
The judge, gifted TANG the murderer with a scandalous sentence!
Five years of probation, 10-year ban on owning animals, mental health counselling, and a registration on the city’s animal abuse registry is all that was handed down to this evil individual!
On October 24, 2019, actress Janis Dardaris was performing in South Carolina and left her two furbabies, an 11-year-old Maltese pooch named Alex, and a 12-year-old Maltese pooch named Frankie, with a sitter.
The sitter’s boyfriend, VINCENT TANG, got hold of the keys to Ms. Dardaris’ apartment.
The Independent reports that after killing Alex, TANG was accused of taking Frankie up to the rooftop where he senselessly and brutally kicked and punched him.
The assault on Frankie was caught on camera by someone in a neighboring building.
As reported by the New York Post, court papers say police showed up and rushed Frankie to an animal hospital with head injuries, two cracked ribs and a permanently damaged left eye.
According to the criminal complaint, Alex died of traumatic brain injury after sustaining multiple skull fractures.
Ms. Dardaris told the New York Post in a statement: “I am beyond disappointed at the decision to sentence Mr. Tang to only probation. I don’t understand how someone who committed such cruel and violent acts against two small dogs would not have to face more serious consequences. Mr. Tang has caused me so much pain. I live with the consequences of his actions every day.”
According to Daily Mail, TANG still faces a lawsuit from Ms. Dardaris for causing emotional distress.
VINCENT TANG was registered on the on the city’s animal abuse registry, I wonder whether the judge who sentenced him is registered on the “worldwide-must-be-immediately-disbarred registry”!
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Pictures shared from the New York Post.