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ZENOBIA FISHER and ALPHONSO ALLEN arrested - Accused of kidnapping a mama dog and her seven puppies

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

- Washington, DC, USA -

On Tuesday, October 11, 2022, the Metropolitan Police Department arrested ZENOBIA FISHER and ALPHONSO ALLEN in connection to the theft of a mama dog named Godiva and her puppies.

The arrest is the result of a joint investigation by the Humane Rescue Alliance (HRA) and the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD).

The duo were charged with second degree theft and animal cruelty.

Back on August 18, 2022, FISHER began fostering Godiva and her seven 2-week-old puppies giving the Humane Rescue Alliance a false name and address.

The Humane Rescue Alliance said that they found mama Godiva in August “tied to a pole – abandoned and alone.” Godiva’s babies “had been kidnapped, ripped away from her, and denied their right to grow up with and learn from their mother and siblings during their critical developmental period. It shattered our hearts, and we vowed to do everything we could to reunite the entire family.”

According to HRA, once FISHER left the organization with Godiva and her puppies, HRA’s foster team was unable to make contact with her despite numerous attempts. An investigation by HRA’s humane law enforcement officers and MPD determined FISHER’s real identity and discovered she, along with ALLEN “had sold at least four of the puppies to separate and unaffiliated individuals for money.”

So far, five babies have since been recovered.

According to regular updates posted by the organization on Facebook, a male puppy named Aries, was reunited with his sister Glitter and their mom, on September 15, 2022, “after a member of our community who unsuspectingly purchased Aries learned of his backstory.”

The nonprofit said: “Glitter and Aries will now get the physical and emotional care they need from their mother at the vulnerable age of 6 weeks. They will also get to spend their formative weeks learning how to play and interact with each other as siblings. This window of time will provide critical lessons they need to be healthy adults. The consequences of separating a puppy from their family at such a young age is truly detrimental.”

On September 17, 2022, HRA announced that they reunited another missing puppy. His name is Link. HRA explained that Link was brought in after a community member “unsuspectingly purchased him.” The agency then said that they will be working with the family to return Link to them “once he is older and strong enough to be separated from Godiva and his littermates.”

On the night of September 19, 2022, HRA reunited Apollo with his mom Godiva and his siblings. Just like Aries and Link, Apollo was brought to HRA by someone who “unsuspectingly purchased” him.

Another emotional reunion for mama Godiva happened on the night of September 22, 2022.

Another one of her babies joined the family. The puppy’s name is Oli.

The partially reunited family is spending precious time together and HRA continues to share their moments through videos that are very sweet but that at the same time make you wonder and worry about the other two puppies who are still missing.

HRA said: “Godiva has been an incredible mom - from teaching the puppies how to care for themselves to showing them how to socialize, her maternal guidance has been a crucial part of their puppyhood. The five siblings love to wrestle and play with each other, often taking turns dragging their favorite large rope toy around the yard and cuddling together for nap time. Glitter is a total mama’s girl and likes to be part of whatever Godiva is doing. Apollo and Oli love to be cuddled and have recently discovered how fun it is to play with their foster’s decorative pumpkin. Link enjoys carrying around his special lamb toy, which he takes very good care of. Aries is always looking for his next adventure and loves to play with all his siblings. And sweet Godiva is fantastic at fetch and will quietly curl up against her foster mom for nap time.”

As the Humane Rescue Alliance explained, “These interactions are critical to the puppies' development, as they are practicing important behaviors and communication skills that will follow them into adulthood.”

HRA are still worried sick about the two babies who are still missing and the agency is offering a reward of up to $7,500 for information confirming that they are safe. All tips can be anonymously reported to HRA at (202) - 723 - 5730. Thank you!

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

Pictures and still images from videos have been shared from Humane Rescue Alliance.


1 Comment

Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon
Oct 15, 2022

What previous wee souls!! Mama Godiva & her blessed pups are together again. I pray the remaining two will soon be reunited with their family. Whilst I’m praying … I pray ZENOBIA FISHER & ALPHONSO ALLEN will be JAILED for their greed & ignorance.

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