- California, USA -
The El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office said that on the afternoon of Friday, April 9, deputies responded to Bridal Veil Falls outside of Pollock Pines for the report of a suspicious vehicle.
Upon arrival they contacted 57-year-old ZJAR NTSOM URULUZU (pictured below) and checked the reported vehicle.
Inside deputies discovered multiple living and deceased dogs.
Animal Services were called in to assist with this horrific situation while deputies obtained a warrant to search the vehicle.
During the search officials recovered thirteen live dogs and three dead ones.
Breeds found included Pomeranians, Dalmatians, Huskies, and Golden Retrievers.
Reportedly, the dogs reportedly were being kept in dreadful conditions with excessive flies and waste.
They also had rope burns, an indication that they were being tethered.
Chief of El Dorado County Animal Services, Henry Brzezinski, told the Mountain Democrat that of the deceased dogs, one was a puppy and the other two were older dogs.
Chief Brzezinski said: “Some had been decomposing for a period of time.”
According to a picture posted by the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office, the SUV was also filled with many bags, a couple of crates, a cardboard box, and clothing.
The live furbabies were placed in the care of Animal Services and are expected to survive.
Chief Brzezinski said: “The dogs are doing OK. Right now they’re in protective custody.”
Deputies cuffed URULUZU and towed the mobile hell for evidence.
URULUZU is in Placerville jail on animal cruelty charges.
Tahoe Daily Tribune reports that the El Dorado County District Attorney’s Office filed criminal charges against URULUZU alleging three felony violations for cruelty to animals and one misdemeanor for failure to care for an animal.
URULUZU was arraigned on Monday and is being held on $50,000 bail, above the scheduled amount of $20,000 due to ’horrific’ conduct.
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