- Texas, USA -
When it comes to animal cruelty, in certain areas we make progress and improve things.
In others we take HUGE steps back and we need to continue to fight harder to protect the voiceless victims who cannot speak for themselves!
Here is what’s happening in the Lone Star State.
Among the 20 Texas bills that 64-year-old Governor GREGORY WAYNE ABBOTT (pictured), has blocked from becoming law, he vetoed the “Safe Outdoors Dog Act”, also known as Senate Bill 474, that would have banned the use of heavy chains to tether dogs and would have punished guardians for leaving dogs without drinkable water or adequate shelter.
KXXV reports: “For clarification, this bill would still allow dog owners to keep their dogs outside. However, would ban them from restraining their dogs with chains, short lines, or any other restraint that could cause suffering or physical injury to them.”
As reported by FOX4, cities like Dallas and Plano, already have ordinances that prohibit tethering, the bill, however, would have made the rule statewide.
Governor ABBOT defended his decision saying that Texas already has enough statutes that protect dogs from animal cruelty and the proclamation he signed reads: “Texans love their dogs, so it is no surprise that our statutes already protect them by outlawing true animal cruelty. Yet Senate Bill 474 would compel every dog owner, on pain of criminal penalties, to monitor things like the tailoring of the dog’s collar, the time the dog spends in the bed of a truck, and the ratio of tether-to-dog length, as measured from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail. Texas is no place for this kind of micro-managing and over-criminalization.”
His veto earned him the hashtag #AbbottHatesDogs on Twitter.
CBS Austin reports that Stacy Sutton Kerby, Director of Government Relations at the Texas Humane Legislation Network said: “This was a chance for the governor and for the state of Texas to keep dogs in our community safer and we are heartbroken to know that these incidents will continue because we did not take the chance to make it right.”
Rep. Nicole Collier, D-Fort Worth also disagrees with ABBOTT’s decision and said: “It’s unfortunate that the governor has vetoed this very important piece of legislation. This is a very important piece of legislation that’s much needed and supported by many cities, counties, law enforcement, and just a lot of bipartisan support. To see the governor veto it shows he has a complete disregard for what the people of Texas want.”
All year-round, on a daily basis we read about innocent dogs who die an excruciating death because of a lack of suitable shade or water. ABBOT had the audacity to veto a bipartisan bill that would have protected VOICELESS, HELPLESS, and DEFENSELESS souls!
I do not know which Texas he lives in!
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
Abbott’s picture via Facebook