- Texas, USA -
25-years-old KAITLYN MARIE PIERSON (pictured), who was being sought by the Midland County Sheriff’s Office for animal cruelty, turned herself in on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 26, 2022, and was booked in the Midland County Detention Center.
PIERSON is accused of abandoning a cat in the apartment she moved out from. The furbaby was later found dead.
On August 9, 2022, the Midland Police Department was called to an apartment building in the 3600 block of W Loop 250 to assist Animal Control on an animal check.
An employee with the apartment complex had called 911 after entering the apartment that PIERSON was renting and finding a deceased cat in the bedroom.
The employee said the apartment smelled of urine and feces. There were two litter boxes that were overflowing, as if they had not been changed in quite some time. Investigators said the furbaby had been dead for a while because of the advanced level of decay.
Managers were not sure whether PIERSON was still renting the apartment because they had not seen her for several months. One of the managers then communicated with PIERSON via email and PIERSON told her that she took her dog with her when she moved out, and denied having a cat saying the cat was her boyfriend’s.
From an investigation, however, it emerged that PIERSON was the only person listed on the lease. Investigators said PIERSON moved out leaving the cat without food or water.
A warrant was later issued for her arrest. Online arrest records show that PIERSON was released after posting bond.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
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