- Arizona, USA -
The Mohave County Sheriff’s Office announced the arrest of 77-years-old BETTY LYNNE FUCHSEL (pictured).
In a news release the sheriff’s office said that its Animal Enforcement Division has been conducting an ongoing complaint of animal hoarding at two separate residences, owned by FUCHSEL, located in the Dolan Springs area.
According to the complaint, “some of these animals were running at large and attacking livestock in the area.”
As indicated in the release, one of the properties is located in the 15000 block of N. Garnet Drive and the other one is in the 16000 block of N. Kathleen Drive.
The sheriff’s office said that over the past several years FUCHSEL “has received several citations in reference to the violations and failed to comply or appear in court.”
FUCHSEL was placed under arrest on January 11, 2023, “for warrants that had been issued for her arrest for failing to appear on these charges,” stated the release.
After FUCHSEL’s arrest, authorities executed a search warrant on both her properties and this is how the sheriff’s office described it:
“Upon entering the two residences, the floors were found to be covered with feces, trash, and urine. Several dogs were found to be locked up inside the residence and in vehicles on the property, with no access to food or water. The dogs were found to be emaciated and in various stages of neglect. During the search of the properties, a total of forty-three dogs were seized. Several of the dogs were taken for immediate emergency veterinarian care.”
The VOICELESS VICTIMS removed from the properties were turned over to the care and custody of the Mohave County Animal Shelter.
In addition to her violations and arrest, FUCHSEL is also charged with forty-three counts of animal cruelty, a class 5 felony.
I have emailed the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office to inquire whether any deceased animals were found on the properties and its spokesperson told me: “I have not been made aware of any deceased animals found on the property.”
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
#animalcruelty #crueldadanimal #cruautéanimale #tierquälerei #animalslivesmatter #deathpenaltyforanimalabusers #hoarder #dogs #arizona
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