- North Carolina, USA -
Caldwell County Animal Care Enforcement said that on June 17, 2023, they received several tips that a Lenoir man was beating his two dogs, “aggressively punching and kicking the dogs. “
In a press release obtained by Voice For Us, the agency said that an investigation identified the suspect as 20-years-old BENJAMIN LEE MINTON (pictured), of Carlton Mobile Home Park Drive in Lenoir.
From the investigation it emerged that MINTON had beaten the dogs on separate occasions.
One of the two dogs was MINTON’s, the furbaby is now in the care of Caldwell County Animal Care Enforcement. The other dog, is safe with his/her guardian.
MINTON was arrested on June 22, 2023, and booked into the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office on two felony counts of animal cruelty. He was given a $35,000 secured bond and online records show he is no longer in custody.
MINTON has a court date set for June 26, 2023.
Caldwell County Animal Care Enforcement Director Richard Gilliland said: “Our domestic animals are like family, and we should treat them as such by providing them a healthy environment.”
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Link included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
MINTON’s mugshot provided to Voice For Us by the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office.
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#animalcruelty #crueldadanimal #cruautéanimale #tierquälerei #animalslivesmatter #lenoir #caldwellcounty #northcarolina #dogs #abuse #deathpenaltyforanimalabusers