- Pennsylvania, USA -
On November 3, 2022, at Lycoming County Court of Common Pleas, after a day-long trial, twelve jurors found 40-years-old ALYIA SHAVON WEST (pictured), guilty on four felony counts of aggravated cruelty to animals.
In September 2021, the Lycoming County SPCA was alerted to the conditions of four puppies at a property on Hepburn Street in Williamsport. Officials found the puppies, named Angel, Ice, Jr., Rocky, and Sky, to be lethargic and very cold to the touch. The furbabies were barely lifting their heads. They were taken to the SPCA and given fluids in an effort to help them. The puppies were tested for several ailments. They tested positive for coccidia, along with having liquid diarrhea. Sadly, Angel and Rocky passed away.
Experts testified coccidia can be treated with proper care and WEST failed to provide the puppies with this.
Officials accused WEST of ignoring obvious signs that four puppies were in need of immediate medical care.
WEST was charged with five counts of felony aggravated cruelty to animals, six counts of misdemeanor neglect of animals, and 11 summary charges of the same offense after the puppies were discovered.
According to NorthcentralPA.com, Human Society Officer Besty Sparling wrote in the report: “West said that her dog Snow had a litter of 11 puppies and she rehomed four or five puppies, one had died, and three were very sickly and she would like to owner surrender them.”
During the trial, Lycoming County Assistant District Attorney Taylor Jeanne Beucler, who prosecuted this case, showed the jury pictures of the puppies and asked: “Would a reasonable person have provided care for the puppies?” She then added: “None of us want to be here. This isn’t a topic we want to talk about.”
WEST will be back in court on March 2, 2023, for sentencing.
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