- Pennsylvania, USA -
On January 5, 2023, Bradford County Judge Evan Williams sentenced 27-years-old KEVIN JARA SANCHEZ (pictured), of Towanda, to a combined sentence of 25 to 57 years in a Pennsylvania state prison after he pleaded guilty to several felonies in connection with the violent assault of his girlfriend and the murder of her dog.
Bradford County District Attorney Al Ondrey said that JARA SANCHEZ entered guilty pleas to aggravated cruelty to animals, a third-degree felony; aggravated assault, a first-degree felony; and person not to possess a firearm, a second-degree felony.
Additionally, JARA SANCHEZ pled no contest to an additional charge of aggravated assault.
According to The Daily Review, DA Ondrey further explained that JARA SANCHEZ “was sentenced to eight years and six months to 20 years for each count of Aggravated Assault, five years to 10 years for the Person Not to Possess Firearm charge and three years to seven years for the Aggravated Animal Cruelty. All sentences were made consecutive to each other for an aggregate sentence of 25 years to 57 years to be served in a state correctional facility.”
On February 11, 2022, troopers with the Pennsylvania State Police out of Towanda, responded to the Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre about an assault on a woman. Upon arrival, the victim, JARA SANCHEZ’s girlfriend, recounted the disturbing facts that put her in the hospital.
The victim said that on the evening on February 8, 2022, while at the residence she was sharing with JARA SANCHEZ, he pointed a gun at her and fired it. The bullet traveled past her and struck the laundry room door behind her. JARA SANCHEZ went on to throw a knife at his girlfriend. The knife also missed her. After that, JARA SANCHEZ threw his girlfriend to the floor and repeatedly beat her with his gun. When JARA SANCHEZ was done beating the defenseless woman, he proceeded to rape her and strangle her until she lost consciousness.
The following morning, JARA SANCHEZ agreed to drive his girlfriend to the hospital but told her to tell doctors that her injuries had been caused by an accident. In fact, he would not leave her presence. When the girlfriend finally told her mother what happened, the mother notified the hospital on February 11, 2022.
After hospital staff alerted the authorities to the situation, investigators executed a search warrant at the couple’s residence. In the backyard of the home, investigators found a dog crate next to an outdoor wood stove. The crate’s plastic base tray revealed the presence of what was believed to be blood/tissue. Upon inspection of the wood stove, investigators found the charred remains of a dog.
Investigators later learned from the girlfriend that when JARA SANCHEZ shot her, her dog named Ozzy was in his crate inside the laundry room behind her. She believed the bullet that missed her and that went through the laundry room door, struck Ozzy. The woman said JARA SANCHEZ knew that Ozzy was her favorite dog and when she asked him to put the furbaby in the backyard so that she could see him after being discharged from the hospital, he refused and put Ozzy in the wood stove instead and burned him.
In Defense of Animals, an international animal protection organization, said in a press release that they sent a letter to District Attorney Albert C. Ondrey “ with more than 16,000 In Defense of Animals supporters’ signatures encouraging the prosecution and maximum sentencing in this case and we are grateful it has finally been resolved.”
Ms. Doll Stanley, is In Defense of Animals’ Senior Campaigner and she has also “overcome the trauma of domestic violence.” Ms. Stanley rightfully said: “Victims of domestic violence live with the trauma they are subjected to. And, when their child, animal companion, or another family member or friend has also been subjected to the violence, no justice frees them of the haunting memories, night terrors, and the impact such brutality has on nearly every aspect of their lives. Justice gives some satisfaction, but justice has to be structured to prevent such violent people from harming again.”
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
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#animalcruelty #crueldadanimal #cruautéanimale #tierquälerei #animalslivesmatter #dogs #pennsylvania #deathpenaltyforanimalabusers #domesticviolence