- Florida, USA -
The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office announced the arrest of 45-years-old LISANDRO ARELLANO (pictured), after a witness saw him dragging a helpless dog behind a moving truck on October 9, 2022.
The sheriff’s office said in a news release that the witness saw ARELLANO dragging a French Bulldog mix while traveling eastbound on Lantana Road between Military Trail and Lawrence Road. According to the release, “The witness caught the attention of the suspect, thinking it was an honest mistake, but when the suspect stopped his vehicle, he picked the dog up off the ground and threw her in the bed of his truck then drove off.”
The witness was thankfully able to provide authorities with a picture of the truck’s license plate.
Detectives and PBC Animal Care & Control, located ARELLANO, who agreed to turn over the French Bulldog mix, named Blanco, to PBC Animal Care & Control. From the investigation it emerged that Blanco was a family members’ dog and that person had trusted ARELLANO to look after the furbaby. WPBF refers to the furbaby as Blanca.
Blanco inevitably sustained injuries from being dragged by her neck while her body was scraped along the roadway. ARELLANO unnecessarily allowed Blanco to suffer in pain repeatedly and the sheriff’s office is grateful to the witness for stepping in and reporting the “heinous act.”
ARELLANO was booked into the Palm Beach County Jail on one count of aggravated animal cruelty and one count of cruelty towards animals. Online arrest records show ARELLANO was released after posting bond.
The sheriff’s office said that Blanco is being treated and recovering.
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