- Georgia, USA -
The Fulton County Police Department arrested 23-year-old JAIRUS MING SCRADERS (pictured), following a search warrant that its Animal Services Division and the SWAT Team executed at a residence on Country Drive in Atlanta.
According to the press release by the police, from an investigation it emerged that SCRADERS “Convicted felon and gang member”, had been recording himself “torturing a dog over the course of the past three months.”
Police said that the last atrocious incident left the furvictim “paralyzed with a fractured skull and multiple other broken bones.” Sadly, due to the extent of the injuries sustained by the defenseless dog, the poor soul had to be euthanized.
According to the police, the residence was in deplorable condition with no running water, limited electricity, and floors covered in urine and feces. Moreover, authorities reported a severe roach and spider infestation.
Three additional dogs were found at the residence and were removed by Animal Services.
The Division of Family and Child Services was also called in as officials found two children living in the residence and the juveniles were subsequently removed.
SCRADERS was taken into custody on two felony warrants for aggravated animal cruelty. Police said that at the time of his arrest, the savage was out on bond for multiple other felonies out of another jurisdiction.
On the scene authorities also arrested 18-year-old AMIRA GREGEANA WILKINS on unrelated felony charges.
Police said: “Animal cruelty is often committed in conjunction with domestic violence, gang activity, and other serious crimes like in this case. The mission of the Fulton County Police Department is to protect and serve our community which includes our animals.”
If it was possible to torture and abuse SCRADERS until there was no more life inside of him, still, it would not be punishment enough for what he did to the poor dog!
Authorities did not disclose the name of the furvictim who had to be euthanized. I took the liberty of naming him/her Fluffy for the tribute image. Should his/her given name be made public, I will rectify it accordingly.
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Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from the press release by the Fulton County Police Department. Please note that details may be removed or new information added should updates become available. In the case of charges being dropped, dismissed, or the case being purged, this article will be rectified accordingly, if official documentation is provided to Voice For Us.
SCRADERS’ mugshot obtained from the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office
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