- Nevada, USA -
On the afternoon of Friday, July 21, 2023, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police received a call about a dog who had died at a mobile home at the Silverado Mobile Home Park on 3401 N. Walnut Road near North Las Vegas Boulevard and Cheyenne Avenue.
Police officers who responded to the location, met with Clark County Animal Protection Services officers who advised that they also received multiple reports from neighbors saying they had seen the dog, who appeared to be dead, tied to the porch stairway of the home. Residents said the dog did not appear to have any food, water, or shelter.
According to FOX5, officers found “a black trash bag in the front yard with a leash laying outside of it and could smell a dead animal.”
Officers made contact with 55-years-old DEBORAH HAGEN (pictured) who identified herself as the dog’s guardian. The furbaby was a 10-year-old female 45-pound Scottish terrier named Abby.
HAGEN told officers that she had left Abby tied outside to use the restroom the day before. After tying Abby, HAGEN went inside the home and fell asleep.
News3 reports that HAGEN told officers “she regularly kept Abby outside because of the way her roommate scolded the dog, but she said she was unaware there was an excessive heat warning in place.” Police said on that Friday the temperature in Las Vegas reached 114 degrees. Furthermore, an excessive heat warning was in effect that week.
According to News3, HAGEN “claimed Abby had access to food, water and shade by going under the porch.” Officers, however, reported that Abby’s leash was not long enough to allow her to get under the porch. Moreover, the two bowls under there were empty.
HAGEN was placed under arrest on one felony count of willful or malicious killing of an animal.
Records show she was released the following day after posting bond. A condition of her release is that she is barred from “possessing” any animals. She is expected to be back in court on August 17, 2023.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
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