- Alabama, USA -
~ Update: September 8, 2022
The Tuscaloosa Police Department announced that 23-years-old BLANE AUSTIN COLBURN (pictured) began his 90-day jail sentence in the Tuscaloosa County jail.
The sentence concludes an animal cruelty case which goes back to July 2020, when a disturbing video posted on Facebook showed COLBURN dumping three puppies from a crate and throwing two of them against a bathroom wall.
The community helped with the investigation by identifying COLBURN who then turned himself in.
The VOCELESS VICTIMS were examined by a veterinarian who found one of them suffered bruised ribs. All the furbabies made a full recovery.
After his release in November 2022, COLBURN will be placed on probation for three years.
While I find this sentence to be extremely light and ridiculous, Tuscaloosa Police wrote in a Facebook post: “We’re grateful for the attorneys with the Tuscaloosa County District Attorney's Office who take these cases seriously, ensuring jail time for offenders who harm animals.”
~ Original story: July 23, 2020
The Tuscaloosa Police Department announced in a Facebook post that 21-year-old BLANE AUSTIN COLBURN (pictured), turned himself in at the Tuscaloosa County Jail on Tuesday afternoon, July 21.
COLBURN was wanted by the police after a video that circulated online was also reported to the authorities.
The distressing video shows a male callously dumping three young dogs from a crate and throwing two of them against a wall.
Investigators have charged COLBURN with first-degree animal abuse.
According to jail records, the accused has since been released on a $10,000 bail.
All three furbabies were examined by a veterinarian. One of them was found to have suffered from minor injuries. All these innocent souls are expected to make a full recovery.
The Department wrote in a Facebook post: “TPD Investigator Curvin and the Criminal Investigations Division worked tirelessly on this case since it was reported Saturday morning, and brought it to a successful conclusion with an overwhelming amount of assistance of the public.”
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
#animalcruelty #animalslivesmatter #deathpenaltyforanimalabusers #injuredpuppies #probation #tuscaloosacounty #alabama
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