- Kentucky, USA -
The Knox County Sheriff’s Office announced that two male subjects have been arrested in connection with the torture inflicted on a defenseless cat that was filmed and posted to social media.
In a news release, the sheriff’s office said that on the morning of Friday, August 18, 2023, the department received a call alerting them to the incident. Deputies Jesse Smith and Lt. Sam Mullins were able to identify one of the two individuals, 20-years-old GABRIEL MESSER (pictured), based on his tattoos. MESSER was already behind bars as he had been arrested earlier that week on criminal abuse of a juvenile charges.
Deputy Smith and Lt. Mullins then questioned MESSER at the Knox County Detention Center and he told them that he had stabbed the cat but it was the idea of the other party.
The sheriff’s office did not release the identity of the second individual in the case because he is a juvenile.
According to the release, MESSER claimed “he was going to kill the cat and wanted to ‘put it out of [its] misery’.”
After interviewing MESSER, Deputy Smith and Lt. Mullins went to the juvenile’s residence to question him about the incident and he placed the blame on MESSER.
The investigation into this disturbing case determined that the juvenile was the individual filming the sickening act and laughing in the video. He was arrested and transported to the Breathitt County Juvenile Detention Center. He is charged with torture of a dog or cat and criminal mischief first degree.
The charges against MESSER in relation to this case are animal cruelty and criminal mischief.
MESSER is being held on a $5,500 cash bond.
The sheriff’s office said that the cat’s guardian confirmed the cat seen in the video was hers and added that she had other animals, including a dog who was found stabbed in a similar manner behind her home in a creek.
The sheriffs’ office said that additional charges are pending.
I have emailed the Knox County Sheriff’s Office to inquire about both furvictims and in an email I was told: “Since this case is an ongoing investigation, we only released the arrest information in the press release at this time.”
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
MESSER’s mugshot shared from the Knox County Sheriff’s Office.
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