- California, USA -
The Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office announced animal cruelty charges against 18-year-old GRACIELA AMAR and her mother 46-year-old LAGASHIA SHANTE WILLIAMS (both pictured).
It all started with a dispute between the two females and a neighbor.
The incident took place on February19, 2025, when the neighbor was in his own driveway washing a car and was approached by AMAR and WILLIAMS. The females began yelling at the neighbor and at one point WILLIAMS brandished an imitation gun. The neighbor then picked up one of his two dogs who were outside with him. As he turned around to go inside the house, WILLIAMS told AMAR to kick the small dog who was still outside, Gigi. And so she did. AMAR walked over to Gigi and violently kicked him/her making the pup fly into the air.
That despicable action was caught on surveillance camera and the video went viral on social media. In the video, Gigi could be heard crying in pain. The furvictim suffered liver and leg damage from the kick.
The Pittsburg Police Department investigated the incident and with help from the public it was possible to identify AMAR and WILLIAMS.
On February 27, 2025, police arrested mother and daughter and charged them with cruelty to an animal and brandishing an imitation firearm. WILLIAMS was additionally charged with making a false report to peace officers.
WILLIAMS had called 911 to report that the neighbor had a gun, “a claim that proved to be false”, stated the release by the DA’s Office.
AMAR and WILLIAMS were booked into the Martinez and West County Detention Facilities.
On March 1, 2025, the Contra Costa Sheriff’s Office released WILLIAMS after posting $172,500 bail. AMAR was released the following day after posting also $172,500 bail.
According to the DA’s Office, if convicted, both could be sentenced to a maximum of ONLY three years in county jail and fined up to $20,000.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from the press release by the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office. Please note that details may be removed or new information added should updates become available.
In the case of charges being dropped, dismissed, or the case being purged, this article will be rectified accordingly, if official documentation is provided to Voice For Us.
Racial comments and comments excusing, defending, and/or justifying the vile action of kicking an innocent dog will be deleted and their author banned! This is a plain case of animal cruelty and NOTHING else matters!!!
Pictures shared from the Pittsburg Police Department
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