- Texas, USA -
On October 30, 2024, an officer with the San Antonio Police Department responded to an apartment on 327 West Sunset Road after receiving a report of animal cruelty.
The officer met with the girlfriend of 21-year-old RAYMOND JULES BOMHACK IV (pictured).
The woman told the officer that while she was at work, she spoke with BOMHACK and he told her that he attempted to cuddle Wolfie, one of her two cats, and Wolfie “became agitated” and scratched him.
According to the report obtained by Voice For Us, BOMHACK told his girlfriend that he hit Wolfie in the head causing a red spot in one of his eyes.
The woman told the officer that due to BOMHACK’s “mental health history of suicidal ideations,” she left work and went home. She said BOMHACK’s arms were “covered in multiple scratch marks” from her two cats.
BOMHACK claimed that after hitting Wolfie, he wanted to bathe both cats and that’s when he was scratched.
The woman told the officer that due to BOMHACK’s “erratic behavior” he may have tried to drown Wolfie or her other cat.
She said she found Wolfie hidden in her room with his jaw stuck open and drooling. At that point she asked BOMHACK to leave her apartment and she took Wolfie to an emergency veterinary center.
The officer then met with the veterinarian who examined Wolfie and learned that when the furvictim was brought in, he had a “noticeable facial trauma.” The vet told the officer that X-Rays revealed that Wolfie had “a dislocated jaw, pooling of blood to one eye, and swelling to the nose and mouth” and had to undergo surgery.
The vet advised the officer that the total medical care cost was $858.12.
BOMHACK was arrested on November 9, 2024, and charged with felony animal cruelty. He was released from the Bexar County Jail after posting bond.
I have been sitting on this story for a few days hoping to get a response from the San Antonio Police Department and Animal Services regarding an update on Wolfie’s well-being.
I would have liked to tell you more about it and share his pictures. Should I get a response, I will post an update.
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Disclaimer: This story is sourced from the incident report provided to Voice For Us by the San Antonio Police Department. Please note that details may be removed or new information added should updates become available.
In the case of charges being dropped, dismissed, or the case being purged, this article will be rectified accordingly, if official documentation is provided to Voice For Us.
BOMHACK’s mugshot provided to Voice For Us by the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office

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